Heavy Medal
About Sujei Lugo
Sujei Lugo, a former elementary school librarian in Puerto Rico, is a children's librarian at the Boston Public Library, Connolly Branch. She holds a MLIS from the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus and a Ph.D. in LIS from Simmons University. She is an independent scholar, book reviewer, and active member of REFORMA (National Association to Promote Library & Information Services to Latinos and the Spanish Speaking), ALSC (Association for Library Services to Children) and the We Are Kid Lit Collective. She is the co-author of Islas Lectoras: bibliografía crítica de literatura infantil puertorriqueña (2000-2020), professional reading and bibliography focused on Puerto Rican children's literature published in the last two decades. Her body, heart, and mind constantly travels between Boston and Puerto Rico.